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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院

从2024年秋季开始 北极星承诺(NSP) Scholarship Program will provide eligible Minnesota residents a tuition-free path to a college education.


圣保罗书院 学校代码:005533

圣保罗书院 financial aid is available to help students finance the cost of an education.

经济援助的形式是 奖助金 (money that the student does not have to pay back), 贷款 (money that the student must pay back) and 大学勤工助学 (money the student earns through employment).

Eligibility is determined from the results of the Free Application for 联邦学生资助 (FAFSA).

mg电子试玩app金融学院d Office will calculate financial aid eligibility after receiving FAFSA results and all required documents.

Financial aid is intended to supplement the difference between the cost of education and the expected family contribution. The student and his or her family have the primary responsibility to pay for the student's education. 有几种资源可用le to help students meet their educational expenses. 

The student must be admitted to a program/declare a major at 圣保罗书院 that leads toward a degree, 文凭, or eligible certificate to be qualified to receive financial aid.


    FAFSA是 Free Application for 联邦学生资助, FAFSA. 这 is the application for all types of financial aid: 奖助金, 贷款, or 大学勤工助学.
  • Cost of Education (Cost of Attendance)
    Typically, the fall and spring semesters are based on 15 credits. The direct cost of education includes tuition, 技术费, 安全/停车费/设施费, 保健服务费, Minnesota State 大学 Student Association (MSCSA) fee, 学生活动费. The indirect cost includes room and board allowance, 书籍/供应, transportation allowance* and personal expense allowance**. 住宿和食物, Transportation and Personal/Miscellaneous figures have been based on the modest living expense budget figures.
    • *汽油津贴, 石油, 停车, bus fare and general upkeep of vehicle; does not include car payments, 保险, 维修, 等.

    • ​**Allowance includes clothing, laundry/dry-cleaning, personal care, recreation, loan fees, 等.

  • 预期家庭贡献
    一个数量, determined by a formula called Federal Methodology, that indicates how much of the student and his or her family's resources should be available to help pay for school. The 预期家庭贡献 (EFC) is used in determining the student's eligibility for federal and state financial aid. If a student has unusual expenses that may affect his or her ability to pay for school, the student should notify the 金融援助 Director.
  • 财务需要
    Financial need is the difference between the cost of education and the expected family contribution calculated by the federal processing center.
  • 全日制mg电子试玩app: 每学期12学分或以上.
  • Three-Quarter-Time登记: 每学期9-11学分.
  • 半场登记: 每学期6-8学分.
  • 半小时以下入学: 每学期不超过5学分.

More information about financial aid resources is available on the 联邦学生资助 网站.


Managing your tuition payments in order to save money can be overwhelming. 这 管理你的大学费用小册子 covers 7 steps to receiving 金融援助, key contacts for commonly asked questions, 以及重要的政策 & terms which can affect your college balance.



The 净价计算器 is a tool for students and parents to use to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend 圣保罗书院. View more information about the 净价计算器 for 圣保罗书院 

金融援助 disbursement and the new BankMobile Disbursements Refund Choices

圣保罗书院 delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, 技术解决方案, BMTX供电, 公司. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit this link: http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/

View our third-party 服务r contract for refund management.

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